Tuesday, June 28, 2016

E-Boots - Tread Games

My emails back and forth with this straight 240lb supposed former marine were going ok until I asked him to send me a pic of his boot soles.  At first, he didn't know what "treads" were, then he accused me of "playing games."

Sigh.  Oh well, here are his boots.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

eBay Find: Caterpillar Freeze Frame Steel Toe Boots Size 11.5

Here is a nice, hot pair of steel toe Caterpillar Freeze Frame boots in size 11.5 US

Saturday, June 18, 2016

E-Boots - Greedy Money Grubbers

Some of you may remember me griping about this one a while back.  I met this guy online and we exchanged quite a few emails while we tried to arrange a meeting.

Things sounded good until I came to the conclusion that:

 - I had to travel all the way to his neighborhood in a sketchy part of town
 - He wanted money to trample him, racking up charges for extras like we were at Home Depot
 - He wanted me to pay for a room

I call these kinds of guys "Greedy Money Grubbers" 

I didn't have much free time to meet, but when he blew me off to go to the movies, I slammed the door shut on this one.

It's too bad because this guy was massive: 6'4", 274lbs and size 14 boots.

Friday, June 17, 2016

eBay Find: Size 15 Timberland Boots!

Oh, what I wouldn't give to meet the fucking giant of a man who wore these monster size 15 PRO Timberland boots!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Boots at the Auto Show!

In addition to my love of boots, I also love cars.  Every year (dating back to 1993), I have gone to the NY Auto Show.

As you can imagine, with all the men there, the opportunity to see boots is pretty intense.  Unfortunately, it can be really difficult to take a candid shot of boots with all the other people walking around.

Still, I have had a couple of successes.

Last year, I got this shot of a couple of cops' boots.  

This year, I got this lovely Timberland boot pic:

I have to learn how to take candid shots of boots without getting busted.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

E-Boots - The Bouncer

This guy sounded amazing.  He had the stats (6'1", 250lbs) and the urge to trample me ("I'm gonna walk all over you", he said.  He also said he was a bouncer, former cop and I think he also said he was in the military.  It doesn't get much hotter than that.

We exchanged emails back and forth for a while.  In this day and age, I would prefer to get to know guys a little bit before putting myself in a potentially dangerous situation.

Wouldn't you know it, just when we got close to meeting, he vanished.  Too bad, because I fucking LOVE Nike ACG boots.  Enjoy his pics.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

eBay Find: HOT Timberland Pro Boots

I saw these hot Timberland Pro boots on eBay.  It's amazing - every time I turn around I see a new and hot design from this company.  They really know how to design a hot boot!

E-Boots - Two Pairs of Work Boots

Another one of my Craigslist finds, the pic below came from two construction workers that seemed agreeable to trampling me together.  Unfortunately, I never got the chance to get under these nicely broken in boots as they also vanished.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

E-Boots - a Series

When not writing stories, you can find me emailing guys online in the hopes that one of them will indulge my fetish and let me get under their boots.

This is not as easy as it seems, and if I'm lucky, I'll get a picture of their boots out of them before they get skittish and stop emailing.  Or sometimes we just don't click.  For whatever reason, I have decided that I might as well share their boot pics with you in a little series I'd like to call, "E-Boots."

This first one comes from a construction worker who's ad I replied to.  He sent me this pic of his work boots.  He tells me he is 6'1", 190lbs and wears a size 12 boot.  I'm a bit skeptical that he's a real construction worker based on the way his boots are laced up, but that's another story.

Enjoy the pic of his boots below.