Saturday, July 16, 2016

All in a Name

Once upon a time, I was on one of those popular boot/fetish websites, when I came across and interesting profile.

"MachoinWescoBoots" lived in my neighborhood so I thought I would try to get to know him and perhaps hook up for a little boot action.

Unfortunately for me, "MachoinWescoBoots" was a bit hard to nail down.  He would take days to reply to messages and avoid questions like a corrupt politician.  I couldn't even get a picture of his boots out of him.  Suspicious.  His profile had a face pic, but no boot pics.

Since it's remarkably hard to find guys willing to trample in NYC, I persisted, especially since he hinted that he might trample me.  He would never agree to meet, not even on the corner to say hi.  I was starting to wonder what was wrong with him.  At once point I thought he may have had a kid or an abusive lover.  There had to be a reason why we never met.  Nevertheless, I gave up on ever meeting him.

Then one day I was walking home from work.  On the sidewalk, walking towards me was a very familiar face.  It was only until we passed that I realized it was "MachoinWescoBoots."

I could have turned around and said something, but the flip flops and devastatingly feminine mannerisms told me that he was neither macho nor in Wesco boots.

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